Several items were discussed at January's Meeting. The first item was setting up regular meeting dates. Last year was very busy for all members and we didn't meet nearly as much as we liked, so we set up a regular meeting schedule. Meetings will be held on the 3rd Tuesday of every month with the next meeting being February 15th.
We also discussed members doing batches with the same grain bill but each person adding a single hop to learn the hop profiles of the various hops available. We can break this down into at least 3 categories... American, German, English........and more if need be.
Similar projects were discussed including using different specialty grains and yeast to learn those profiles.
We briefly discussed the possibility of being involved in the
AHA Club Only Competitions and possibly hosting an event in 2012.
We'll be setting up a poll to decide which type of hops or specialty grains or yeast we'd like to do for our first "profile project" and an online form to pick which variety of hop/specialty grain/yeast you'd like to use for your brew that we'll review for our March Meeting.