Tuesday, September 22, 2009

Next meeting?

Any objections to having the next meeting (date to be determined) on a Monday evening?

Anyone else willing to host a meeting at their house please speak up. Or if you want to have a few meetings at restaurants again, please speak up.

My main goal is attendance and participation, I don't care where the meetings are.


  1. Sounds good to me. Except for Oct 12th, Mondays are open for the next 2 months.

  2. Let's shoot for Oct 19 and shoot for a restaurant to give Kyle or probably Emily a rest from cleaning up.

  3. No worries with cleanning up, fellas. PLUS, I want to make sure that Rod and John are able to attend so we can get them involved in the Seibel kit that they payed to sample. I'm not sure that we can do that at a restaurant.

    10/19 sounds good to me. As long as John can make it then that's when we'll have the next meeting.
