Thursday, June 4, 2009

Let's talk brew day recipe

I want to brew a light German style beer for our brew day. I've also been experimenting with toasting my own grains, so I'd like to incorporate that into this beer. Please critique and add input.
11 gallons:

16# Pils
2 # Vienna
1 # Vienna lightly toasted (275* for 30 min)

1 oz. Northern Brewer @ 60
.5 oz Hells/Hers @ 15
.5 Willamette @ 5

Pitch w/ 2 packets Nottingham and ferment low @ 60 for two weeks.

Looking forward to our brew day together.

Questions, away.


  1. Have you thought about doing a 90 minute boil to drive off DMS?

  2. Yes, I know that will extend brew day, but I always boil for 90 when brewing with Pils.

    How does the hop adds look?

  3. Hop schedule looks a bit light if you're going for a quasi-Pils, but I like the hop selection.

  4. Oh, and don't worry about extending the brew day. I'm doing 4 batches on 2 sets of equipment. :D

  5. So how about 1.5 NB, .75 Hells, .75 Willamette?
    Howsaboutit now?

  6. Kyle,
    I'd like to bring about a dozen sausages to grill for brew day. Is this ok? If there's anything else needed as far as food/snacks, please let me know. Cheers

  7. Bring as much food as you want, John.

    I'm sure that the hop bill as you had it will make a great beer, I just wasn't sure if there was a style you were shooting for. I guessed Pils, and the IBU's would be a bit low for a Pils. If you're not shooting for a style then just go with it!
